
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

How Time Flies + Some Favs

Well I know this year is going pretty quickly but honestly, I can't believe that July is almost here and that my course is almost finished :( Next week is my last week O_O

For years I've been so excited to do a makeup course, it's always been on my mind and now it's almost over. What a wonderful time I've had too, learning new things and hopefully improving my skills and creativity. They have been long days and they have been interesting days, I've had many little experiences on my train trips and it's really opened my eyes to the world outside my own little life. I've loved being in the city even though I get up just after 5.00 am and don't arrive home 'til sometimes after 7.00pm. My little adventures were fun too, even though I may or maynot have gotten lost :D

So what's next? Well I'm not exactly sure, I know I want to work with makeup but whether this is just freelance or in a salon or store is not known, I've even played with the idea of more study but don't want to get lost in a sea of courses and become a 'professional student', hehe .... if you know what I mean. :)

It's all good though, I had originally put this year aside as a 'gap' style year (without the exciting overseas trips :P) haha so I'm comfortable with what I've done so far, I may even just find some good part-time employment so that I can still have time to grow a freelance business too :) I'm pretty sure something will happen and life will fall in place.

While I'm here I may as well share with you a few things I've been enjoying for the past few weeks, I haven't done a 'favourites' type post for a long time so why not :D

Konjac Sponges - These wonderful yet simple sponges are just great for cleaning your face, 100% natural and very gentle to the skin, they sell for $8 - $9 on the site. I will have a full review on these sponges up shortly :D

photo property of

Cheese - Yep that's right, cheese :D I probably like cheese too much (at least my mum thinks so) so I've opted to try some 'better' cheeses than the regular yellow type. I'm loving ricotta and feta cheese in some of my dinners. Apparently white cheese is better for you than yellow cheese .... I'm not too sure about that and not fully convinced that any cheese could be bad for you :D hehe it just tastes too good :D

Smoothies - These are great, I used to have them a lot in summer because they are delicious and I've started having them more often over the past month or so. They are really filling and see me through to lunch time when I'm at my course. Usually they are made with coconut, banana and blueberries but they are still very delicious without the coconut and just adding an extra banana and water instead. You can see my 'Smoothie How To' video HERE

Movies - I've seen a few movies recently (thanks to the rain) and it's not the movies that I'm taken with it's actually the makeup in them, I find that I now analyse makeup application rather than enjoying the movie :P but of course what I really love about the movies is that I get to snuggle up with my boyfriend for a couple of hours :D

Gym Ball - I recently bought myself a 'Celcius Gym Ball' from Rebel Sport for $39.95 to replace the chair in my room, with all the travelling I do (about 3-4 hours a day, four days a week) I need to get my body moving as much as I can to combat all the sitting I do. I'm loving it so far, it's fun to work with and also comfy to sit on and I've seen a little improvement already :) yay!!

photo property for Rebel Sport

I hope you enjoyed this post, I've been running short on time this last month and even my youtube videos have been a bit scarce :( but hopefully once my course is finished I'll get back into some sort of routine :)

Thanks for reading and have a great day <3


  1. i'm really loving your blogs and i can't wait for you to grt back into 'some sort of routine' hahaah. you're one of my favourite bloggers! and i love the fact there's another aussie i can read and watch! (:

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