
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Valentines Picnic in the Park - on a budget

This is the first year I have been in a relationship at Valentine's Day and I am super excited about it :) However, over the years my friends and I have always been each other's Valentines in a fun way and I didn't want to loose this tradition, so I decided to hold a little picnic in the park for us girls to enjoy :)

If you're looking for something to do this Valentines and are not sure what, why not have a picnic with your friends!! If you live in a cold climate and you can’t get outside, make it a tea party instead :) Throw some quilts on the floor and set the table just like on a picnic :)

It doesn’t take much to put something like this together, all you need is a handful of friends, some fun food and a bit of creativity.


Haha, well the theme of course was 'Valentines' but I wanted a bit of a mix for my look, it was to be pretty but not ‘old’ pretty, more a fun thrown together kind of look.  I went off to the Op-Shop/Thrift Shop and found some napkins, a bed sheet, an odd cushion and some flowers.

What I used

Lemon coloured bed sheet – thrifted $3.50
Pink and Lemon coloured napkins (damask) - .20c each x 8 - $1.60
Cushion - $2.00 plus some I already had
Blue Glass Water Bottle - $1.99 – Woolworths
Assorted china and glass plates – mum’s
Red check fabric – mum’s
Tablecloth – mum’s
Green Plastic plates for food – Woolworths $1.99
Glass bowls for food – mum’s
Flowers (artificial) – thrifted - $3.50
Lanterns (birthday gift) – hung by wrapping twine – already had
Throw quilts – mum’s
Bubble blowers - $1.00 each x 2 - $2.00 plus some I already had from my 18th
Old picnic basket – mum’s
Old net curtain – mum’s


I asked everyone to bring something ‘pretty’ to eat (no chip bags, hahahaha)
I bought watermelon
Mini Macaroons
Mini Marshmellows
Bottled drinks


I invited my friends over Facebook because it was really short notice, a nicer way would be to email designed invites or actually send paper ones!!!! :O haha


We went to a local Park and found a ‘cabana’ over the water, the centre was covered so that if it rained we would be pretty safe. I threw quilts on the ground and some cushions and laid fabric etc on the wooden benches to use like a table. I hung lanterns in one opening of the cabana and the curtain in another opening. Fake flowers were thrown in various places and a scarf hung near the food to add a bit of interest.


The picnic started around 10.00am and went for a couple of hours and it was a really nice way to spend time with my friends and a great way to celebrate Valentines Day. We had it a few days before Valentines so that those with partners could still have the actual ‘day’ with them.

The picnic was fun to do and everyone seemed to enjoy it :)

I hope you enjoyed this quick post and that it inspires you to do something with your friends :)

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