
Thursday, February 2, 2012

GLOSSYBOX Valentines Day Surprise!!!!!

Do you LOVE surprises? hehe I know I do so I've already ordered my February subscription of Glossybox which will be a very special edition, they are going to have a Valentine’s Day themed surprise – an extra gift that does not ordinarily come in a GLOSSYBOX and I'm excited to find out what it is :) Oh and of course for the beautiful bright PINK box it will come in just for Valentines ... hehehehe :D
Photo property of Glossybox :)

Nb:  If you're a guy and still wondering what you can get for your special lady for Valentines, why not get her a Glossybox or even a yearly subscription? I'm pretty sure it may put a smile on her face :D

1 comment:

  1. I'm so excited to get my Valentines box!!! My Mum got me a yearly subscription for christmas!! I'm so excited!!!!


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