
Friday, January 20, 2012

Lost without laptop ......

Well it seems now that I have my lovely new camera the home computer refuses to accept it's 'fancy' files and my sister had to return her laptop to school this week!!! Which leaves me with no way of uploading my video files to edit and put on youtube :( for the time being anyway!

HP Pavilion G6-1217TU Laptop
Photo property of HP

I've ordered a new laptop which I'm really hoping will do the job well but it won't be available until sometime next week and I can only record a certain amount of footage on my camera because the files are large which means I can't pre-record too much :/ So until then I'm having a little break, thinking of new ideas for videos and twiddling my thumbs hahaha :D

The laptop I've ordered is a HP Pavilion G6-1217TU with 500GB Hard Drive and 4GB RAM which will be able to handle the files easily.  I would have loved a MAC but it's a bit out of my budget range right now as I'm saving for my course later in the year and I only just bought my new camera so I need to be cautious on what I'm spending.

* Update - I was able to pick up my laptop earlier than expected YAY!!!!!! and it's now in my hot little hands :D


  1. Hi Cassie,

    Sorry to hear about all your tech problems, god they can be annoying to sort out!!! :/ lol.
    Anyways, this is a little off topic but I would like to start making hair video tutorials for my blog and im not sure how and where to start. There is no help on google and I thought you might be able to help? How do you start, what program do you use to edit and other stuff like that, please help!! I'm sort of desperate. :)
    Thanks for everything,
    Tess xox
    ( please dont send a private message to my email, because my email is having some probs at the moment. thx)

    1. Tech problems are sooo annoying :/ But I was luck and my laptop was available earlier than expected :D

      I think I'll do a Blog Post on my experience with Youtube and cover a lot of these things in that. I'll try to do it this coming week :)


  2. @cassie That's lucky then. :)
    Thankyou so much! and congrats on getting your own room. :)Tess xox

  3. What did you mean by “computer refuses to accept its 'fancy' files”? Anyway, what laptop did you get yourself? Whatever it is, what matters is you have a backup of your files so in case it gets lost, you will be able to recover your files, most importantly your videos. Ruby @


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