
Saturday, November 19, 2011

School Formal 2011 - Finally ♡

If you have been reading my weekly posts, thankyou. It's been fun documenting my preparations over the past three weeks :)

So this last week has been fun, I had my hair trimmed 'just a little' and found some time to pamper my nails.  I decided to do my own nails for the day because I preferred to pay $15 for nailpolish rather than much more for a salon to do them!!! I chose 'Serial Dater' by Chi Chi for my fingers and 'Nude Shimmer' by Natio for my toes. I went for a nude toe so that it wouldn't clash with my shoes.

I needed to wash my hair a day or two before my Hair Appointment on the Saturday so that it wasn't 'too clean' for the updo, the only problem was that I was at the beach on Thursday for our last School Excursion and again on Friday morning after 'last rollcall' to do the annual 'School Leavers Beach Run'.  If you're not sure what that is, let me enlighten you a little :)  It's a tradition in my area that all Year 12 School leavers go to the beach after they have been released from school on the last morning and they all run into the ocean in their uniforms, it's kinda like a 'rite of passage' thing hahahaha, anyway it's fun and it was a hot day so why not!! :)

Back on track ....

So I washed my hair late on Friday after a full day. Also on Friday I was packing my bags for my Schoolies trip which starts on Sunday, bright and early!!! Yeah I will be up at about 4.00am for that one! x___x

Saturday morning -- finished packing, painted my nails, answered a few messages etc and then off to the Hairdresser at about 12.00 noon.

Home about 1.00pm which gives me about 2 hrs to get myself ready for my Formal :) That should be enough ..... hehehehe :D Oh noooooooo, the hairdresser did a terrible job on my hair, I had to re-do the whole front bit myself which really made me upset.  The ladies that normally worked at the Salon were not there this day and new people had taken over!!!! I didn't know this when I made the appointment :( Mine was the last appointmet of the day so there was no going back to get it fixed up :/

Anyway, once I fix my hair I feel a little rushed to do my makeup, it's really hot today too so that didn't help much.  

By about 2.45pm I'm ready and it's time for a few photos then I'm off to see my Grandparents, more photos and then we drive to my friends house where a large group of us will be picked up by 'The Hummer'!!!! Yay!! we hired a 14 seat Hummer to take us to the Formal in style :) It's a 4.00pm pickup and we should get to our Formal at 5.00pm where I'm sure there will be more photos on the red/black carpet, more photos inside and even more 'official photos' before the actual seating takes place at around 6.00 - 6.30 pm.

I love my dress, I love the 'sunset' type colours in it, the ruffles and the lacing and of course the fit and style.  I wanted something a little different from the regular dresses that people wear and when I tried this on It just felt 'right' :) and it was also pretty light and cool for such a hot day!! :)

Back of dress
Earrings and Bracelets

I decided to film a 'Get Ready with Me' video for my Formal but because I ended up being a little rushed and frustrated I'm not sure how it will turn out, so when I get back in about a week I'll upload something to my Channel but in the meantime I hope you've enjoyed these quick photos.

My friends and I in front of the Hummer about to leave

Thank you for taking this journey with me, Year 12 has been a challenging year in many ways. It's been great to share my experience with others and I really hope that someone finds my posts helpful in the future :)

Love Cassie  


  1. You are gorgeous, sweetie :)
    Your dress was definetely the best ;)
    Hope you had a wonderful time :)

  2. Wow, you have great tase :) Your dress is gorgeous.

  3. That dress is amazing!!! its soooo beautiful and u r so beautiful <3

  4. You look stunning, I would never pick out such a beutiful dress like yours coz id be to afraid to wear it. But you definately pulled it off! Have fun at schoolies and please promise us you won't do anything stupid, ha ha, Tess xoxo

    1. I know this is a bit late, thank you :) and I didn't do anything stupid hahaha ;)

  5. That dress is gorgeous, you look really good!!

  6. I love this so much <3

  7. Your dress is gorgeous! I absolutely love it! <3

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