
Friday, July 15, 2011

'Balmy' Weather, IMATS and more ....

Well not really but it's the kind of weather you really need to use a lip balm, seriously, so I've been trying out a new one this past week on the recommendation of a friend, it's the 'Blistex Lip Conditioner' and to be honest I'm quite happy with it but it's not as moist as I was expecting :/  Another I tried recently was the Maybelline 'Baby Lips' which worked quite well but it really doesn't compare to my 'Lucas Paw Paw Ointment', I just keep on coming back to this one <3

I've been trying out some Hair Extensions this week, I've never used any before so it's a bit trial and error right now but I'm finding that practice makes almost perfect :)  I'll be doing a mini review and tutorial shortly with them so keep your eyes out.

My room has been moved!!!! Yeah I came home from school the other day and I'm in a different room now :/  It's pretty much the same as my last one and arranged the same but I now have a mirror behind me when I film which isn't a good thing, luckily my mum has a screen so this is what you may be seeing in my future videos instead of my room.

So last weekend I found I needed to get my nails infilled because they were starting to grow a little long and you could seen my nail tip below the french tip and I'd banged one of my nails and it was lifting a little, this ended up costing me $35.00, .....  I hope my nails start growing a little slower now or maybe I should start investing in some nail polishes ? :)

July is half way through which means it's not too far til September is here and we all know what September brings don't we?  Yep, that's right it's IMATS (International Makeup Artist Trade Show) in Sydney which is produced by 'Makeup Artist Magazine' and this will be my first ever time attending, it's on the 24th and 25th.  I'm super excited to be attending and even more excited that I'm going to see an old friend when I get down there and we'll discover the wonders of IMATS together.  I'm planning on catching a couple of demonstrations and will be vlogging throughout my trip.

International Makeup Artist Trade Show

I hope I get to meet alot of new friends when I go :)

1 comment:

  1. Wish I had found this blog before. The advices in this post are very helpful & I surely will read the other posts of this series too. Thank you for posting this

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