
Sunday, June 19, 2011

Modiva Professional Curling Iron

I recently received a 'Modiva Professional Curling Iron' which I've been playing around with and trialling over the past few weeks and I'm quite impressed with the results so far.  It has a 25mm clipless barrell and comes with a heat protective glove so you don't burn yourself, I love the way these curls  turn out, they last such a long time which is great, and they are still there the next day which I think is wonderful.

Check out my video tutorial:  HERE

This is the only clipless curling iron like this that I have seen available in Australia which has a barrel the same width all the way down, I know they are available overseas but in Australia I haven't come across any others yet.  

Perhaps the only thing I dislike about it is that it only has one heat setting so you need to be really smart when using it, 10 secs for thick hair is fine but you should only leave your hair on for 5 secs for fine hair and about 7 for medium, which is what my hair is.

You can achieve a few different styled curls using this curling iron, wrapping the hair tightly will achieve tighter curls and spacing the hair apart more on the iron will give a more 'wavy' effect and also using more hair each time will give a looser curl too.  Practice makes perfect, the more you use it the better the curls will turn out although you should never use heat on your hair all the time or you will damage your hair.

This curling iron also works well on my sister's hair which is shoulder length.  It may work well on 'short' hair depending on the style your are doing.  Of course the longer your hair the looser the curls will be because the weight will drag the curls down.  It gives great curl to my length hair.
To get a $30.00 discount off the price of this Curling Iron just type in ‘Modiva’ (be sure to copy/paste) at checkout, this offer lasts until 31st August, 2011.

Modiva Professional -

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